Geronimo Cinsaut
Label story
When I was a youngster growing up in Rawsonville I would hike up the mountain with a few friends to a swimming spot that we discovered, to reach this pool where we had to jump off a 5m cliff. When it was my turn to jump, hesitation would creep in and taking that leap seemed impossible. With my friends cheering me on and reminding me that I can do it, I would take a deep breath and jump. Those few seconds in the air are indescribable! Shouting GERONIMO! at the top of your lungs. This wine reminds us of that leap we took starting this big venture of ours, with friends cheering and helping us, and making us realise that we can do it. This is referenced by the leaping boy in the top left hand corner. The label also shows a piece of our South African heritage in the form of the postage stamp depicting the South African national fish, the Galjoen.
100% Cinsaut
W.O Stellenbosch
Soil: Decomposed granite, clay-rich granite
Viti, vini & tech sheets
2023 / 2022 / 2021 / 2020 / 2019 / 2018 / 2017